Thursday, May 21, 2015

The master plan!

This is what comes to my mind on may occasions, when I talk to fresh engineering graduates from Indian universities about their career plans- 

Especially when they share their plans of pursuing an MBA instead of industry after getting an Engineering graduate degree.
No need to get offended; of course, I don't mean all of you. I am sure you are an exception! :)

Yes, The worker ant is back with a rant! After so many life changing years, there is certain change in my tone and style. ( or at least I hope so...)

So to get back to the rant topic- The outdated syllabus, the apathy of teachers towards industry requirements and industry trends observed in some universities in India has lead to a fact that getting an engineering degree is like the collecting underpants as in the above video. (Oh! did you not click on the video above? Go watch it and then read ahead! Don't worry its just a YouTube link.)

So a huge population of students, like gnomes, plan to become 'bachelors of engineering or technology'. A very few of them really plan to be 'engineers'.

To be continued.....