Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Plastic side of Human

I could have started this blog with “a wise man once said …”. However, I shall not, for two obvious reasons; one, I never use ‘wise’ and ‘man’ in one sentence (to avoid gender bias). Second, I do not claim to be a wise person, because what I am going to say next, is said by me.

“Humans are like plastic bags”.

This is the pause for your awkward silence waiting for me to explain after I finish the sip of drink I (purposely) took after saying this. While some of my friends slap their forehead in dismay, some of them are eagerly waiting for their cheap entertainment for the evening.

Plastic bags, are most often manufactured for a purpose in mind. The original purpose could be as broad as carry stuff, to as narrow as to freeze stuff in a refrigerator.  Some of these get used for the original purpose that was meant to be, while other are put into improvisational uses.  Most of them get used once for the original purpose, and then are immediately re-purposed for something else.
The unfortunate part is that you never know how you are going to be re-purposed, you could end up carrying some lunch or you could end up lining a trash-can.
However, the ones that do not find a purpose, end up being toxic waste.

This is another pause for you to reanalyze my first sentence and the last two sentences. (If you were paying attention to my rant).

Humans, often find themselves in situations of being re-purposed. Some find themselves in trash-can liner situations, while others may be wrapping glorious branded items. But what is the final purpose of all human life? – end up being toxic waste? This is a mystery indeed. However, I like to believe, maybe, the purpose of human life is to continuously find new ways to recycle and re-purpose.  The day when we stop finding new ways to do so, all our lives will be toxic waste waiting for the apocalypse.
Now, that I have refreshed, and re-purposed myself for a short time. I shall sign-off and get back to my original purpose, which I am getting paid for.

Until next time, keep recycling…